Route 38km


Less explosive than the short, but certainly more accessible than the long, the medium route takes you to some of the most spectacular spots in the Val Grosina. The itinerary, as far as Pra del Poda, is the same as that of the 12 km. From here, however, it continues to climb, on the splendid mule track that climbs with hard but regular gradients along the slope of Mount Storile, bringing you close to 2200 m above sea level, where a narrow path will take you to Cigoz (1950 m above sea level), where the first refreshment point is located. Now begins a very runnable stretch, which with several ups and downs leads to the little church of Redasco, climbing towards the Casera (second refreshment point) and then continuing along the old path that once connected this locality with the huts of Cassaruolo (1930 m above sea level). Now begins the most spectacular part of the race, which will take you, among pastures and streams, to reach the splendid Acque Sparse lake, with very clear waters and surrounded by a lush pine forest (2020 m above sea level). The time has come to descend, and the dive towards Eita (1700 m above sea level) is vertiginous. From here the descent continues, for the most part in the shade of the pines and with gentler gradients, which will take you first to Fusino (1200 m above sea level, last refreshment point) and from there, after a short stretch of asphalt, to the little church of S.Giacomo, from where the route will be the same as the short one, to take you to cross the finish line at Villa Visconti Venosta with tired legs and eyes full of wonder.